ISBN: 978-966-02-9999-3 (online)
DOI: 10.37068/b/9789660299993

Chapter 2

They defend modern civilization

Віктор Гурняк
Дмитро Коломієць
Владислав Українець
Володимир Жемчугов
- Григор’єв Олександр Олександрович
Інна Дерусова
Андрій Конопльов
Денис Шлега
Олександр Юрковський
Леонід Хода
Андрій Круглов
Олег Гончарук

This online encyclopedia describes and systematizes in a reference format the most prominent Ukrainians who contributed in culture, science, technology, and armed forces. Their activities in the context of the world historical process highlighted, the European vector of Ukraine's development emphasized as a historically natural choice of the Ukrainian people. The сhapter 2 is devoted to the heroes who protect Ukraine from the military aggression of the RF, defending the modern world order.

The number of articles in the chapter: 259

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