ISBN: 978-966-02-9999-3 (online)
DOI: 10.37068/b/9789660299993

About the online encyclopedia

Published: 25-11-2022

Dedicated to Ukrainians who have enriched the human mental culture and materialistic civilization with their talent, work, and actions.

Currently, the world is focusing on Ukraine, but unfortunately, the attention is due to the ongoing conflict in which Russia is aggressively waging war, resulting in the loss of lives, destruction of cities and villages, and the violation of human rights. Ukrainians are resolutely defending their land and their right to an independent life, while also upholding the universal values of the modern world. This Russian full-scale invasion has highlighted the belonging of the Ukrainian people to the Euro-Atlantic community, although "Ukraine has always been conscious of its European history and identity," as emphasized by Yuri Shevelov [1].

Unlike some nations, Ukrainians do not have a sense of being "chosen," but they take pride in their dignity and their role in world history. Biographical studies of outstanding Ukrainians help to create a comprehensive image of the country and its people. These studies are relevant in Ukraine, especially in the context of restoring historical justice and preserving historical heritage, which was stolen or distorted during the period when Ukraine was deprived of its statehood and independence. We completely agree that "biographical research opens up new aspects in reconstructing the past, allows for the study of complex processes of cultural, technical, and scientific progress through the life stories of people who, by the will of fate, formed and embodied certain goals and directions... Each biography contains both unique personal and typical social elements" [2].

Biographical studies are relevant for Ukraine, particularly in light of the restoration of historical justice. During the period when Ukraine was deprived of its statehood and independence, many notable individuals were either morally or physically destroyed. As O. Zhdanovych pointed out, "there is no greater theft than the theft of historical heritage." Zhdanovych rightly notes that in Ukraine, names were stolen, families were destroyed, which were living carriers of history, and historical facts were distorted and erased [3]. With Russia being the specific object of his words.

The proposed online encyclopedia, "Famous Figures of Ukrainian Origin in World Civilization," aims to describe and systematize world-renowned personalities in an encyclopedic format, emphasizing their contribution to human civilization, particularly in the fields of science, technology, and culture. The publication seeks to highlight their activities in the context of world historical processes and Ukraine's development as a historically predetermined choice of the Ukrainian people.

The online encyclopedia contains two chapters.

The first chapter is dedicated to world-renowned personalities who have made a significant contribution to the development of human civilization, particularly in the fields of science, technology, and culture. These are personalities whose contributions have been recognized not only by the Ukrainian people but also by the world at large.

The selection of personalities prioritizes those who have merits not only before the Ukrainian people but also before the world at large. This specificity means that some notable figures, such as Taras Shevchenko, are not included, as his persona, while significant to Ukrainians, may not have the same level of significance beyond Ukraine.

The second chapter consists of the names of modern heroes. These are the people who are currently protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine from Russian aggression. They showed extraordinary courage, self-sacrifice, and an indomitable spirit in the defense of the state and were awarded (some posthumously) the title of Hero of Ukraine — the state award, which is the highest degree of distinction in the country. Ukrainian defenders are fighting to protect their state from aggressors and defending the humanistic, democratic path of development of the modern world. Their actions contribute to the defense of the values of the civilized world, affirming Ukraine as a subject of contemporary civilization and strengthening its role and significance on the world stage.

[1] Shevelov, Y. (1947). In defense of the glorious. Polemics without persons. In Mystetskyi ukrainskyi rukh (vol. 3, p. 17). Regensburg [in Ukrainian].

[2] Kotsur, A. & Teres, N. (Eds.). (2007). Representatives of culture and science of Ukraine: biography essays. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. PDF [in Ukrainian]

[3] Zhdanovych, O. (1951). Blood diamonds. In M. Nebeliuk (Ed.), Pid chuzhymy praporamy (p. 5). Paris, Lion: First Ukrainian National Printing House. PDF [in Ukrainian]

Contributed by: Mykola Zhelezniak

Published in 2022 during the Russian war against Ukraine. The contributors are grateful Armed Forces of Ukraine for providing security to perform this work.